
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

Holy snowbunnies, Batman! I think this is the most snow I've seen in Bend since I moved here three and a half years ago. I love it! I may get out and drive around just for the heck of it. Or curl up with my cats and my laptop on the couch. Hmm... decisions, decisions. Actually, I really need to work. Sigh.

I don't know the total inches of snowfall, but I do know I need to go out and shovel it. Hey, it's a great workout. Yesterday's power lunges and deadlifts at the gym just weren't enough. Ha!

My back yard.

My front porch looking out on the street. Well, there is a street. Under the snow.

1 comment:

Kami said...

We've gotten more snow around in our area than usual too. I'm loving it. We built a giant snow ogre. He toppled when the weather warmed up, unfortunately. Looks like we're going to thaw out completely before the next batch of snow, so we'll start from scratch.

I'm so glad we got in touch through Nathan's blog. Here's a tip. I encourage you to contact your publisher and see if they can get your most recent book considered for the Endeavor Award. You can also enter with your own copies, but Endeavor prefers folks to go through their publishers so that the award starts getting submissions without having to knock on doors and ask if the publishers want to submit work. The award comes with a very nice cash prize and a beautiful trophy.

It's gaining in prestige. They accept speculative fiction that's either written by a Pac NW author or I believe the work can also be set in the Pac NW--you qualify, obviously, just by living in Bend.