There are a lot of ways to start a novel, not all of them good. We're familiar with those throat-clearing starts, the one where the writer is warming up to the story and needs to get all that preliminary set-up crap out of the way, like weather and the character waking up and what a tough childhood he had. Yawn. So we'll leave those as given no-nos and go on to some other first page killers.
I don't think readers can always identify what turns them off when they read the first page of a novel, but a lot of the reasons agents give for passing on a project would probably apply. Here are a few to consider:
- Opens with rhetorical question(s).
- The first line is about setting, not about story.
- Not enough happens on the first page.
- The opening contains clichéd phrases and/or situations (i.e. a character shakes his head to clear the cobwebs, character runs away from an unknown assailant, etc. )
- The main character responds to an unnamed thing (e.g., something dead in a bathtub, something horrible in a closet, someone on the other side of her peephole…) for more than a paragraph without naming it, creating false suspense.
- The characters talk about something (a photo, a person, the kitchen table) for more than a line without describing it, creating false suspense.
- The unnamed protagonist cliché: The woman ran through the forest... The man hid the knife in his pocket... yadda, yadda.
- Fake suspense created by some relevant fact that's kept from the reader for longer than a paragraph.
- The character spots him/herself in a mirror, in order to provide an excuse for a physical description.
- The first page is straight narration that doesn't involve the character doing anything.
- Too much physical descriptions in the opening paragraph, rather than action or conflict.
- When the first lines are dialogue, the speaker is not identified.
- The book opens with a flashback, rather than what's going on now.
- Descriptive asides pull the reader out of the conflict of the scene.
- No conflict.
- Too much repetition.
- Too many generalities.
- Stakes are not high enough.
- Story is written in the second person.
- The narrator speaks directly to the reader (“I should warn you…”), making the story hyper-aware of itself and thereby tossing the reader out of the story.
- When characters tell one another things they already know.
- The tag lines are more revealing than the dialogue. ( “She squawked.” "He growled.")
- The writing switches tenses for no apparent reason.
- The action is told out of chronological order.
- Took too many words to reveal what happened.
- Dull and/or awkward writing style.
- The writing falls back on common shorthand descriptions: “She did not trust herself to speak,” “She didn’t want to look…”
- Too many analogies/metaphors/similes per paragraph.
- Purple prose and overwriting
- Melodramatic opening
- Makes the reader laugh at it, not with it.
- Too much unnecessary explanation.
- Unmotivated characters.
Lovely list!
The unnamed protagonist cliché: The woman ran through the forest... The man hid the knife in his pocket... yadda, yadda. This bugs me SO. Fricking. MUCH. :P
I chew people out on it a lot in crits *sigh* becuase it constantly shows up. Grr.
I think the similie/metaphor one applies to the entire novel, not just the openings. ;) Simile abuse is a horrible, horrible thing.
Hmm, I think you covered most of it--I had something I wanted to add but forgot what it was now. :P
Thanks, Karen!
Thanks, Merc. You know, that unnamed protagonist gimmick is my pet peeve as well. Or any time a book starts with a character being chased through the night, the perpetrator is getting closer, the breathing is getting heavier, and I'm getting more bored. Zzzzzz...
Yup. I think part of it is people think "Oh, I have to start with action/suspense, so why not chase some dude or dudette through the woods and the reader has no clue and it'll be EXCITING and--"
...while completely failing to realize that we actually have to care about the character before the tension will work well, and a nameless person (in their POV) generally isn't as worthy of caring about as someone with a name.
Names have associations and also make someone more "real" and harder to dismiss, I think, thus why it works better if you have a named character up front versus an unnamed protag who's just another face in the crowd we can ignore and move away from.
~Merc, who probably shouldn't think this hard at 3 am
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