
Monday, January 14, 2013

We Have Winners!

Finally! Sorry for taking so long to pick winners of the contest I was running, but I'm back now after a VERY successful surgery that kept me in the hospital for all of 1 night. If I'd known it would be this easy, I'd have agreed to having it done years ago, when I'd first started having problems.

I feel great, no pain at all, and though I'd love to take a hike and go play snowball with my dog, it's against doctor's orders for now. Apparently I'm still healing, so I'm supposed to take it easy until I get the all-clear from my doc this Friday. However, I've been off the pain meds for almost a week already, which means I can drive! Which means I can go to the post office! Which means I can now mail off copies of 'TIL THE WORLD ENDS to 3 lucky winners!

My cats have chosen Steve Sanderson, Starryeyedjen and Kayley! Congratulations!

I will be emailing the 3 of you for your addresses.

Thanks, everyone, for your entries. :)

1 comment:

Liz Roadifer said...

Glad you're healing so fast and that everything went well.