
Monday, January 21, 2008

Marketing Monday

Eureka! I have completed my synopsis and though it's still in need of some serious wart remover, I have a first draft. Yay, me!

My list of agents is complete (for now), and I have the hook written for my query letter (which has changed a bit from what I posted on the blog last week).

I'm armed and almost ready to launch my query/submission to my top pick agents. As I said last Monday, I'll post my progress every week. Please keep your fingers crossed for promising results and requests to see more!

I'd also like to mention this fabulous resource for submitting to agents called This site is amazing! You'll be pleasantly surprised at the tools available for searching for agents, and tracking your queries. Best of all, it's FREE! Can't beat that price. You can pay $25 a year to be a premium member, which offers you a number of additional organizational features. I'll pay my $25 just because I think the basic tools warrant such a contribution, but I doubt I'll use the premium bells and whistles. I like to keep things simple. What's there is plenty enough for me.

Tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday, and please stop by to read a bit more about Chalice's adventure in Knight's Curse.

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