
Monday, May 5, 2008

Marketing Monday

Marketing Monday rolls around again, and again I don't have much news to report. Another full manuscript requested, another partial requested. Other than that, I'm still in wait-mode, but I'm well into my next project so I may be posting teasers from MYSTIC TAXI in the near future.

I'm seriously considering entering the RT American Title V competition with KNIGHT'S CURSE. The last one was supposed to be the last, but overwhelming requests for a repeat performance made Dorchester change its mind and give it another go. The categories include: historical, paranormal, romantic suspense, and urban fantasy. No young adult, women's fiction or straight contemporary manuscripts this time around.

Prepare to mark your calendars for the 25th Annual Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Colorado Gold Conference this fall. Brochures will be mailed soon, but if you're not on the mailing list you can visit the organization's website in the coming weeks for full details and a registration form. This year's conference is scheduled for the weekend of September 12, 13, and 14, 2008.

One of the most alluring features of this most excellent conference are the agent and editor workshops. Get personal attention from the agent or editor of your choice within an intimate group of 8 other writers. Your workshop pro will have read your submitted pages in advance, so you'll be getting well-thought out feedback. Here's some advance info on the agents and editors attending this year's conference:

Kristen Nelson, Nelson Literary Agency
Becca Stumpf, Prospect Agency
Laura Rennert, Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Miram Kriss, Irene Goodman Literary Agency
Donna Bagdasarian, Maria Carvainis Agency
Rachelle Garner, Word Serve Literary

Faith Black, Avalon Books
Denise Little, Tekno Books
Ben LeRoy, Bleak House Books
Daniella Rapp, St. Martins Press

And don't forget you still have plenty of time to enter the Colorado Gold Writers' Contest. The deadline isn't until June 1, so sharpen those pencils… er, I mean boot up those word processors and polish the opening pages of your latest and greatest. Details for entering, along with the submission form, are available on the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers website.

1 comment:

plaid said...

I hadn't heard of this conference yet...thanks, I'll check it out!