
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Weekend Wordiness

Well, I blew off all last week when it came to blogging, but I had a good reason. I was working! Hard! Though I'd rather be writing -- always -- I do have to help bring home the bacon and there's a considerably tough project overflowing my plate for the next few weeks. Aargh!

However, my plan for a weeklong workshop on writing description is still on! Yeah! My lessons are all written out and ready to post, one for each day of the week, and for each of the five senses.

Due to the workshop, I won't be blogging my usual every day (last week doesn't count). If I was doing Marketing Monday, I'd let you all know that my agent will start submitting Knight's Curse to publishers next week! Squeee! She's working on the pitch letter now and we'll talk in a few days. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.

If you're looking for something to do next spring that takes you off the beaten path, introduces you to some gorgeous Central Oregon scenery, and is educational for the "write" minded, you might want to attend my weekend writing workshop at Elk Lake Resort. The resort called me last week to ask if I'd be interested in giving a workshop there, and of course I said YES! Elk Lake is about 45 minutes from Bend, Oregon, at the base of Mount Bachelor, and the cabins are adorable. It would be a small workshop, so attendance would be limited and include lodging and some meals. We haven't ironed out the details yet, but I'll be posting updates as they happen. I'll probably host a contest with workshop registration being the prize. Stay tuned!

Speaking of workshops, don't forget Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Colorado Gold conference is coming up in September. It's the absolute best for fiction writers. I'll be co-presenter with Jeanne Stein on a workshop for writing urban fantasy, and I'll be giving a workshop on networking with online resources for writers. The conference is not only educational, but it also offers a fabulous opportunity to pitch to agents and editors. There are few slots left open for appointments, so register now before it's too late. The Rocky Mountains are gorgeous in the fall. I hope to see some of you there!


colbymarshall said...

Good luck with your submissions! I know it's going to GRRRREAT!

Karen Duvall said...

Thanks, Colby!